Artsit dedicated to art vs mum of two young children

Ever had the feeling that your feet are never going to stop stamping out of frustration?
Read on: this is my way letting off a little steam.
I'm a Mum. I'm an artist.
Both are driven by the heart, demand loads of love, energy, understanding and devotion.
Are they compatible? Absolutely.
Are they rivals? Absolutely.
Both careers require time in bucket loads and are not 9 to 5 jobs (no matter how hard one tries 24hours is the absolute max you can get out of 1 day!)
Both require huge amounts of flexibility (which eats up on the others time!) and both are rivals on the depletion of inner energy levels.
Who ends up winning?
Well at the moment my mother instinct has the upper hand (I am very glad to say!) so where does this leave my art?
Gathering dust?
Hiding under piles of work?
On hold until tomorrow?
Waiting for the children to grow up?
NO, no no! (thank goodness!)
Having to surrender, now and then, some of my art's needed time, flexibility and inner energy leaves me with a determination and drive, when I am working, that I have never given it before.
The determination to succeed and become the best artist I can, despite the unpredictability of motherhood, seems to be actually fueled and not hindered by this rivalry between being a Mum and an artist.
It really seems to make me so much more determined and want to tackle bigger challenges.

So, back up to the studio, x mas orders are coming in fast and so is the common cold!

Ciao ciao.


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